3 Jobs That Are More Dangerous Than They Seem

taxi driver

When we think of jobs that have an element of danger, we tend to think of the military or the police force automatically. After that, we may even take into account the medical field, construction, and logging. However, there are jobs out there that have even higher fatality rates. The public doesn’t always have them on top of mind when thinking about risks.

Here are three of the most hazardous gigs in the United States when counting the number of fatal injuries and incidents:

1. Drivers

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has shown that a massive 40% of work-related fatalities are attributed to transportation. That doesn’t even take into account other more minor incidents or those that are also severe enough to result in lifelong disability. That can also be attributed to the dangers the lie within the nation’s road safety, but the risk increases tenfold, depending on the driver’s industry.

For instance, taxi drivers see a lot of recorded accidents because of their frequency on the road. However, the highest number of fatalities are attributed to truck drivers, particularly those who handle heavier variations of the vehicle and tractor-trailers. That accounts for the high number of cases in need of a wrongful death lawyer in Los Angeles and other hotspots for vehicular accidents.

2. Farmers

Farming is often looked at as a peaceful life, albeit a tiring one that requires much hard work throughout the year. However, workers in agriculture have to handle heavy equipment, dangerous machinery, various livestock, and brave the elements daily from rainy days to extremely sunny ones. This constant exposure puts them at risk for many health problems and possible accidents.


Statistics show that these accidents occur quite often as a whole, with animal-acquired infections being a constant risk behind the high-fatality equipment-related incidents. On top of their general tools, farmers also use a lot of powerful machinery and rigs that carry their own electrical and physical hazards. Some of the deadliest are attributed to vehicular accidents within the farm as well. That is all without even taking into account falls, musculoskeletal injuries, and prolonged heat exposure.

3. Garbage collectors

Aside from the transportation-related risks that also plague this line of work, garbage collectors have to deal with dangerous equipment and, obviously, garbage. That alone carries with it several health risks, even when workers wear the proper safety garb. A lot of people also throw out dangerous chemicals, broken items with sharp edges, and rotten things that carry infectious materials that these collectors are exposed continuously to even when the weather is terrible.

Common causes of injury have been noted to be because of improperly disposed of shards and materials from citizens. The highest rate for fatalities in this industry is still relegated to transportation accidents, as other drivers hit collectors. On top of that, burns and respiratory damage are constant risks in their line of work. That has resulted in garbage collection being noted as one of the most hazardous occupations in America.

It’s essential to know about the dangers of these jobs so that standards can be adjusted appropriately and that more credit is given to those who risk their health and safety to fulfill these essential needs of society.

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