Legal Education

copyright claim

How Businesses Can Prevent Competitors From Stealing Their Copyright Content

When businesses create content, they put a lot of effort into ensuring it is original and protected by copyright law. However, as anyone who has watched the movie, The producers can attest, sometimes competitors will try to steal that content and pass it off as their own. So how can businesses protect their copyright content […]

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man checking on data in tablet

What are the Legal Consequences of Failing to Protect Consumer Data?

In September 2017, Equifax, one of the three largest credit reporting agencies in the United States, announced that it had suffered a data breach. The personal information of over 140 million people, including Social Security numbers, addresses, and birthdates, was compromised. This breach is believed to have occurred due to a website vulnerability exploited by

What are the Legal Consequences of Failing to Protect Consumer Data? Read More »

entrepreneur on laptop

The Importance of Business Laws and How Entrepreneurs Should Stay Informed

Business laws exist for a reason. They exist to protect the rights of entrepreneurs and their businesses, as well as those who may be affected by them in some way. Laws are put into place to ensure that business transactions and interactions between people in our society will run smoothly, with few problems arising from

The Importance of Business Laws and How Entrepreneurs Should Stay Informed Read More »

law practitioner

Want to be an Independent Law Practitioner? Here’s What You Need to Know

Law is a dynamic subject with so many specializations. For instance, people have various legal concerns. Hence, they seek the services of an estate planning lawyer, a divorce attorney, a criminal lawyer, or another type of lawyer for specific reasons. In addition, around 35,000 students on average graduate from American schools every year. Most lawyers start with litigation, and

Want to be an Independent Law Practitioner? Here’s What You Need to Know Read More »

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